It’s all about the browns!
Lots of big brownies have been providing good sport at Bank House. Gary Martin had two in one session of 8lbs 8oz and another of 7lbs 8oz shortly after. Gary used both boobies on a Di3 and washing lined foam daddies on a floater to catch them. They made up a six fish catch for Gary. See Pics below
Mark Peter from Overton also had two nice brownies in one session. The first weighed 8lbs and the second 6lbs. Mark used a cat’s whisker to his usual deadly effect, with sixteen trout over his two visits. All these brownies were returned to fight another day.
Richard Casson from Germany and Seb Perry from Manchester had great day with twenty rainbows and browns between them. Richard had browns to 5lbs and rainbows to 3lbs and Seb’s catch also included a nice brown of 4lbs. I am not sure what tactics or patterns Richard was using but, once again it was the trusty old cat’s whisker that scored for Seb.
J Sealie from the Wirral and D Lees from Warrington used cormorants and blobs to over a livily session to tempt ten trout between them.
W Hewitson from Leyland took seven rainbows to 3lbs 8oz on buzzers.
Buzzers also worked well for Tom and Adam who both had new PBs. Tom with a PB 10lb brownie and Adam with six fish all taken on buzzers. Good angling fellers. See pics below.
The rod average over this period was 3.71 fish per angler and the hot patterns are cat’s whiskers, damsels and buzzers.
When visiting Bank House, please feel free to send any pictures of fish you catch so that I can include them in the reports. Messenger is fine or by email to
Tight Lines Ben Dobson