Bank House has continued to fish well throughout the summer despite the hot weather that has hampered so many other waters. We think this is because of the amount of water that flows through Bank House on a daily basis. The water in the entire lake turns over about every two and half days, so it does not sit exposed to the hot summer sun day after day getting warmer and warmer. Also, before the water reaches Bank House Fly Fishery, the inlet stream flows from its source almost entirely through dense woodland or underground and is rarely exposed to the sun. This also helps maintain a lower water temperatures, a crucial factor when considering summer trout fishing.
We have seen some good catches in August so far on a variety of methods that reflect the differing conditions on the day.
Tom Smith had an arm aching session with fifteen rainbows, all of which fell to various blobs pulled back.
Dave Watt had eight fish on okey dokey buzzers.
Gary Martin had fourteen rainbows on Sunday on pink blobs and pink snakes fished back very slowly. He commented that some of the takes were savage, almost ripping the rod out of his hand.
Felicity Appleton has visited Bank House three times this month catching ten, seven and seven fish respectively. She has switched between pink lures and dry daddies and beetles.
There have been plenty of decent brownies about, Ron Hill landed one of 5lbs 8oz and J Hodgson had another at 5lbs. I have been told of anglers being snapped and some big brownies that have got away. The resident big browns are wily creatures, they know where the snags are.
I have fished bank house a couple of times over the last week whilst giving lessons. I found that a sunk foam daddy twiddled back on floating line produced some great takes. Tight Lines Ben