Date: Saturday 6th November
Report Author: Pete
Best Brownie: 6lb Mike Williams
Sport: with the week of wet weather behind us for there is quite a lot of colour in the water. The flat calm conditions will hopefully allow the colour to drop out of the water and the fish will be in the margins around the Northern Shallows. As can be seen from the photos below the reservoir is full to the brim and looking at its best. The best fish caught today was caught on the fly and fell to Mike Williams a Stunning 6lb+ brownie which came out at the Alders and was released to fight another day.
At this time of year the fish are not as keen to chase and prefer and slowly retrieved fly in amongst the trees and reeds. If fishing from a boat if you can’t hit the bank with your fly you’re too far out, so hug the banks and keep drifting. On the bank don’t be too hasty to wade take a couple of steps back and fish close in for better results. See you in the Lodge Pete